Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 22

When it rains it pours!  Our two cars are both 2003.  My car is a hyundai accent, we call it the golf cart, and it as 110,000 miles on it.  My Husband's car is a Nissan Murano and has 171,000 miles on it.  Having a car payment is not an option for us right now!  I'm in denial that soon one day one of our cars will die and we will need a new car.  Well that time may have come.  Last weekend the check engine light came on in the murano.  That last time this happened it was just in need of an oil change.  We took it to get the oil changed late last week and they couldn't find anything wrong with it.  They flushed the fuel line but that was it.  We figured we need need to take it back to the deal to get it checked out but neither of us has time to be without a car for a few days.  Well the car has made the decision for us and has decided to crap out.

While driving the youth group to lunch today it started to sputter and shake when I pushed the gas or it was idling at a stop light.  It wasn't able to drive faster than 45mph without feeling like it was going to fall apart.  So tomorrow morning, bright and early, we are going to take the car to the shop.  I feel like this time it is going to be something major and I'm nervous about it.

The car plans might but a hold on our house plans if we end up needing to buy a car.  The stalled house plans will put a hold on our adoption plans...ugh.  I'm looking for the silver lining...

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